Saturday 14 March 2009

Monitor Your Heart Rate

If you are into any kind of performance sports as an active participant (not just watching it in TV) you will probably know that it is not just a matter of the amount of training that you do that will bring you results but also how you train.

In many sports and physical training exercises in general it is important to give it your best and train at your body's maximum capacity for smaller periods of time to increase stamina and endurance. Training hard is normally a good thing but only if you know what you're doing. One very important aspect that you need to be aware of and keep an eye on is your heart rate. The best results will be achieved if you can keep your heart rate at a certain level.

So because many ordinary people (not professionals) are now aware of this fact the company Omron has manufactured a small device called the Omron HR 100 which is basically a wrist watch that will help you monitor your heart rate easily while training. Not only will it show you with big digital digits how fast your heart is beating but if you also be able to give you statistics of how your heart behaves during the different stages of your training routines.