Wednesday 4 March 2009

Mike Tyson

By Denise I Smithson

Mike Tyson: Triumph and Tragedy

There have been few figures in the world of boxing - or sports in general for that matter who have taken a larger place in popular culture than has Mike Tyson. Tyson is one of the most fearsome opponents ever to step into the boxing ring; in fact, he often won matches before they had begun, so intimidated were other boxers of this man. He has done prison time, fought drug addiction and generally become infamous both in and out of the ring.

Mike Tyson's Rise to Stardom and the Heavyweight Championship

Mike Tyson as a youth was a notorious troublemaker, being arrested literally dozens of times through his early adolescence. Discovering boxing and his innate talent for it though, changed his life around gave him a focus and a drive to achieve. These traits were also imparted unto him by legendary trainer Cus D'Amato. D'Amato was more than a boxing trainer for Tyson, he was a life coach, and his guidance and role model status meant everything to Tyson. Later, it would be the death of D'Amato, the only man left trying to reign in the "Baddest Man on the Planet", that would help contribute to his rapid and tragic fall from grace.

In no time at all, Tyson racked up a string of victories - he won all of his first 19 bouts by knockout, in many cases in the first round. Tyson quickly won a title belt and defended it against several challengers while winning others. For a few years, he seemed invincible.

The Beginning of the End

Tyson's loss in the tenth round of a hard fought match against James Buster Douglas which marked the beginning of the end for the boxing icon. Tyson lost his title and the air of invulnerability which had theretofore surrounded him. Not long after, Tyson would be in prison after committing rape.

Once released, Tyson returned to boxing; something which boxing enthusiasts and gawkers alike had looked forward to. Tyson regained a title belt soon - but then he faced Evander Holyfield and was stopped in his tracks in the 11th round. In a rematch of the bout, Tyson bit Holyfield's ear, a now infamous event. Tyson was disqualified, naturally. Since then there have been some comebacks and some crushing defeats, such as his loss to Lennox Lewis and Tyson is widely viewed as an athlete who has lost his drive and is merely desperate for money.

Mike Tyson Today

Mike Tyson is most famous today for having a tribal tattoo on his face and repeatedly getting into trouble. He has been charged with possession of drugs and been in and out of rehab trying to get his life together. Rumors of another comeback routinely surface, igniting some people to nostalgically wish for the chance to see a former great heavyweight find the magic once more and other people standing in line, waiting to see the inevitable train wreck. Publicly, Tyson has shown remorse and shame for many of his actions, and acknowledges that he is in a work in progress, trying to find his way in the world. What that world has in store for Mike Tyson, nobody would be wise to try to predict.

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